Media Release: David Olsson Is New ACBC National President

26 Nov 2019

Today, David Olsson will be elected National President of the Australia China Business Council and chair of its National Board of Directors.

Mr. Olsson will take over from The Hon John Brumby AO, who has stepped down from the role he had held since November 2014.

Mr. Olsson is one of Australia’s most respected leaders in the business and legal sectors throughout Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. He brings a wealth of experience as a former partner at King & Wood Mallesons (and its predecessor firm) for more than 25 years. He held several key practice and management positions including as Managing Partner from 2004 to 2007 and as senior partner based in Beijing from 2008 to 2013. He is currently a senior consultant to the firm.

“It is a tremendous privilege to take up the position as ACBC National President. The Australia-China relationship is one that is sophisticated and mature; that has delivered substantial benefits to our two countries; and still has much untapped potential. At ACBC, it is our mission to capture that potential for our membership” remarked Mr. Olsson.

Mr. Olsson was a member of the Victorian branch executive committee of the ACBC from March 2013 and chaired its Finance and Investment Services Working Group and China Capital Markets Working Group.

In addition to his roles at ACBC and KWM, Mr. Olsson currently holds a number of directorships and senior roles with industry and business associations, including as Chair of the Australian Renminbi Working Group, Co-Chair of ACBC’s China Capital Markets Working Group, Deputy Chair of the Australian National University Foundation, non-executive director of Black Diamond Group Limited, as well as advisory board roles with the Australia China Belt & Road Initiative and AusIMM. He is a New Colombo Plan Business Champion, former Chair of the Australian Chamber of Commerce, Beijing, former Chair of Melbourne Affordable Housing and a former member of the Australia China Council.

Mr Olsson said “I am excited to be leading ACBC at this critical juncture in history. The economic relationship between our two countries is rich, diverse, and complementary, but it is also more complicated. To succeed, we need to be more visible, present and engaged. But we can’t do so blindly without considering the risks and consequences. My focus will be for ACBC to deliver the best possible service to our members and to be the trusted partner of business, industry and government on Australia’s business and economic engagement with China. We’ll leverage ACBC’s deep and trusted relationships with business and political leaders, its in-depth expertise and unrivaled network of offices around Australia to forge partnerships in Australia and China that lead to greater opportunities for business.”