Media Release: “Collaboration is the key” says Australia’s peak China business body in preparation for annual Canberra conference.

14 Sep 2022

For immediate release

“Collaboration is the key” says Australia’s peak China business body in preparation for annual Canberra conference.

Members of the Australia China Business Council (ACBC) will gather in Canberra this week (13-15 September) to meet with the new government for the first time as part of their annual Canberra member event.

This year, the 18th of such events, the organisation has curated a program that seeks to build a dialogue around constructive areas of engagement in the Australia-China relationship.

David Olsson, National President of the ACBC said, “We are excited about our program this year. It  provides the first major opportunity for our members to exchange views at a senior ministerial and departmental levels on this important bilateral relationship since the election.”

Over 200 members and other business, industry and government leaders are expected to attend the 3 day event.

Business delegates attending this year’s Canberra Networking Day come from a much broader cross section of the Australian economy than in previous years and will include senior representatives from the Business Council of Australia, the Clean Energy Council, Australian Agritech Association, and major companies across multiple sectors including ANZ, MA Financial, FMG, Coles, Cochlear, My Aide, Alibaba, Yancoal, Beijing Energy and Futura EV. The Ambassadors from both countries will also participate

A key theme for 2022 will be discussion around the economic opportunities for Australia from closer collaboration with China on the climate challenge.

ACBC will officially launch its new climate change initiative, Green Channel, a multi-year, multi-sector  program, supported by the National Foundation for Australia China Relations, that sets out to address the knowledge gap in the Australian market around developments in this area in China, and the potential for future engagement that can grow new trade and investment for Australia.

A new report –The Climate Challenge: opportunities from collaboration between Australia and China –will be released, co-authored with King & Wood Mallesons, that deep-dives into six key industry sectors to identify the opportunities for Australian business. Business wants to discuss with government the tremendous opportunities this offers, as well as Australia’s green economy potential in innovation, education, tourism, and investment.

David Olsson said “We hope that the report will provide a foundation for the conversations we need to have around the way in which Australia can engage with China to support the green transformation that the world is embarking upon. Given the need to accelerate efforts, it makes sense that two nations that already enjoy strong economic and trade complementarities should expand the scope of their bilateral commercial activities to address the challenges of decarbonisation and climate change.”

ACBC’s Green Channel will open the doors for business-to-business and business-to-government dialogue on potential collaboration opportunities. The scale of the opportunities is immense. We want to flip the narrative: from one of daunting prospects to one of immense possibilities.”

The main event this year will be held at the National Library on 14 September with a program of associated events on either side on 13 and 15 September. These include:

  • A high-level Government – Business Roundtable, bringing together business leaders and senior officials for a Chatham House Rule dialogue on the findings of the collaboration report, and identifying some of the opportunities from greater collaboration between Australia and China on the transition to net-zero.
  • A Gala Dinner with Guest Speaker Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister Tim Watts and an expert panel to be held at the Hyatt Hotel.
  • Renewable Energy Site Visit and Policy Briefing program in the Canberra region. This will cover Australia’s first public hydrogen refuelling station opened in Fyshwick, and the Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services (REVS) Program run by the Australian National University.

General media enquiries: Alison Airey
Contact: 0466 494 011

ACBC Green Channel: Anthony Coles
Contact: 0401434545

About Australia China Business Council

ACBC is a not-for-profit, member-based, association that helps Australian and Chinese businesses to share knowledge and insights about trade and investment between Australia and China.

Since its establishment in 1973, ACBC has been at the forefront of Australia’s economic engagement with the People’s Republic of China, facilitating business leads, bridging networks and providing the latest market insights.

ACBC has branches in every state and territory of Australia, represents over 500 member companies and has a broader business network of over 15,000 people.

ACBC seeks to inform public opinion and promote better understanding in the wider community of the benefits of trade and investment with China.  ACBC is an advocate to government of policies that promote strong and sustainable business ties with China that will benefit our members and the Australian community.