ACBC view: Australia reinstated ‘Approved Destination Status’

10 Aug 2023

ACBC view: Australia reinstated ‘Approved Destination Status’
10 August 2023

ACBC welcomes today’s decision by China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism to reinstate Australia’s long-held Approved Destination Status (ADS).

The Australia-China tourism partnership began around 24 years ago, when Australia became one of the first western countries to receive organised tour groups from China under China’s ‘Approved Destination Status’ (ADS) scheme in 1999. This status has played a key role in Australia’s success in the Chinese outbound tourism market since.

“The ACBC sees this as yet another positive step in the stabilisation of our relationship between with China”, says National President David Olsson.

Further comments attributed to National President David Olsson:

“International tourism plays an important role in developing deeper, mutual understanding as people from both nations travel to one another’s country, and get a greater understanding of one another’s cultural context”.

“Whilst we have been delighted at the resumption of some tourism activity from China into Australia following China’s opening up in January this year, it was never possible to see a full recovery without the resumption of Australia’s ADS approval.”

Comments attributed to ACBC WA Branch President Mr James Clarke:

“Nearly 50% of Chinese visitors to Australia have traditionally been group travellers, and whilst we have seen the resumption of some FIT and VFR travellers since China’s reopening in January, the major outbound tourism operators in China have been unable to promote Australian products without the announcement we have seen today, so it is very welcome indeed.”

“ACBC believes that not only will Australia’s re-inclusion on China’s list of approved group travel destinations mean destination-Australia will once again become mainstream amongst China’s major outbound operators and OTAs; but this will also weigh into a stronger recovery in aviation links between Australia and China in the near future”.

A statement from the Australian Trade Minister can be found here, and the official announcement from China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism can be found here.