ShineWing Australia: Helping you and your business respond to COVID-19

27 Mar 2020
Posted By: ACBC

ACBC National Sponsor ShineWing Australia is providing regular updated guidance on the fallout from COVID-19 with a dedicated webpage at

The page has an extensive breakdown of the Federal and State/Territory Governments’ economic stimulus packages and tax concessions aimed at supporting and stimulating business. There is an up-to-date summary of Federal, State and Territory measures and an analysis of ATO administration relief.

The guidance also has specific advice for a variety of industries doing business in China and how firms can be best positioned to ensure they are ready for when economic engagement with China rebounds. Sector specific advice for those in the agribusiness, manufacturing, tourism and capital market sectors is also available.

There is additional insight on export finance, the coronavirus SME guarantee scheme, fuel tax credits and how the pandemic will affect the future of the Australian economy.

Please also look out for an upcoming ACBC / ShineWing webinar on what the impact of the coronavirus will mean for Australian trade and investment with China.