ACBC AGM 2024 (National)

30 Oct 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024
Meeting Notice

Dear Members,

Notice is given that our Annual General Meeting will be held as follows:

Time and date: 1:00 pm AEDT 19/11/2024
Format: To enable as many members as possible to attend, the meeting will be held as a virtual meeting via zoom.

At our Annual General Meeting, the following business is scheduled to take place:

  1. Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country
  2. Confirm the 2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes
  3. Hear from the President
  4. Hear from the Treasurer
  5. Receive and consider the FY24 Special Purpose Report
  6. Consider, and if thought fit, pass the following resolutions as separate ordinary resolutions:
  • Resolution 1 – That David Olsson be elected as President
  • Resolution 2 – That Jingmin Qian be elected as Vice President
  • Resolution 3 – That Lucy Peng be elected as Treasurer

7. Any other business

Further information
For further information, please refer to the attachment.

If you have any questions about the agenda, the resolutions or the process, please e-mail

Mary Studdert
Company Secretary
Date: 29/10/2024

Further information

  1. Attending

To be eligible to attend the meeting, you must be:

  • a current and financial member
  • a representative of a current and financial member
  • a proxy of a current and financial member
  • a director, company secretary or auditor

To attend the meeting, please register no later than 1:00pm AEDT 18/11/2024.  Upon registering, we’ll e-mail the zoom access link and passcode to you no later than 5:00pm AEDT 18/11/2024.

If you have any issues registering or receiving the Zoom access link and passcode, please e-mail

  1. Voting

To be eligible to vote at the meeting, you must register to attend the meeting and be:

  • a current and financial member
  • a representative of a current and financial member
  • a proxy of a current and financial member

If you have any issues voting, please e-mail

  1. Proxies

An eligible member may appoint a proxy to attend the meeting and vote.  To appoint a proxy, please complete and submit the Proxy Form online or the Proxy Form document no later than 1:00 pm AEDT 18/11/2024.

  • If a member has not directed their proxy how to vote, the proxy may vote as the proxy determines.
  • If a member appoints the Chair of the meeting as their proxy or the Chair is appointed by default if the member has named a proxy on the proxy form and no direction is provided in relation to a resolution, the member authorises the Chair to exercise their proxy as the Chair sees fit in relation to that vote. The Chair of the meeting intends to vote all undirected proxies in favour of the resolutions.

If you have any issues appointing a proxy, please e-mail

  1. Nominated Office Bearers

The following individuals have been nominated as office bearers and will be appointed to the position by ordinary resolution:

Office Bearer Position Nominee Nominator Nomination statement
President David Olsson

International Director, King & Wood Mallesons

Jingmin Qian

Principal, Jing Meridian Advisory

Serving as you President has been a privilege and a rewarding experience.  I’ve enjoyed working with our members, building relationships and driving initiatives that have strengthened the Australia China commercial partnership.  While we have achieved a lot, there is more to do in exploring fresh approaches to the relationship in changing times.  I’m excited about what lies ahead and would be grateful for the chance to continue serving, listening and advocating for your interests.  Thank you for your support!
Vice President Jingmin Qian

Principal, Jing Meridian Advisory

David Olsson

International Director, King & Wood Mallesons

It has been an honour for me to serve as a director and Vice President at ACBC over the past two years.  Together with fellow directors, our staff, and many volunteers, we have made a positive difference in stabilising and enhancing the bilateral business relationship.  I have actively contributed to a series of high-level dialogues and events, including Canberra Network Days.  As an experienced board director and investment professional, I have also contributed to strategy, governance, financial, and operational matters.  We have achieved a lot over the past year, and we have many opportunities ahead.  I seek your support to serve another year as your Vice President.
Treasurer Lucy Peng

Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

David Olsson

International Director, King & Wood Mallesons

I have been ACBC Treasurer for past 12-months and would like to contribute with the same capacity.
  1. Questions

During the meeting, we welcome questions from members and proxies, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions via the chat function on Zoom.  Please ensure the question relates to the business under consideration at the meeting and is relevant to members as a whole.  We will endeavour to address as many questions as we can during the meeting and may group questions together to be answered.  If we don’t address your question during the meeting session, we will look to answer the question directly with you after the meeting.

  1. Technical issue

If a technical issue arises during the meeting, we will assess the impact of the technical issue on members attending as a whole and the extent to which participation in the business of the meeting is affected, and the Chair will determine whether to continue or adjourn the meeting as they see fit.