The Australia-China Decarbonisation Roundtable was held on Wednesday 16 March in Melbourne. This important event was a partnership between the Australian National University and the Australia China Business Council with funding support from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.
Over two sessions, nine speakers based in China, Australia and America, outlined China’s plans for decarbonisation, policy shifts, carbon pricing, ETS, China’s 2030 and 2060 targets, alternative fuel options, supply security and much more.
Presentations covered a wide range of sectoral developments from an academic and industry perspective involving well-regarded speakers from the ANU, BHP, Rio Tinto, Energy Foundation China and Tsinghua University.
Involving a diverse and engaged audience from the academic, corporate and government sectors, a select group of ACBC members involved in the sector enjoyed networking while an audience of over 300 registered guests were able to watch online.
A copy of the ANU and ACBC speakers’ presentations can be found at the links below:
ANU Policy Briefs prepared for this event can be found at the link below:
ACBC is committed to ensuring that our debate and discussions around our relationship with China are increasingly sophisticated and nuanced.
We will be working with more partners in collaborations to ensure our members have access to the very best information about what is happening in China, and to equip them to assess the nature of new opportunities and to manage new risks.
Through the ACBC Green Channel initiative, new opportunities will arise across industries. The next event in the Australia-China Decarbonisation series will held in Perth. Details to follow.
Be sure to check our events page for other upcoming events and registration.